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MENUNGGOL, Saturday, 22nd March 2025 – The Royal Brunei Land Forces (RBLF) continues to strengthen its bond with the community through Khatam Al-Quran event held at Kampung Menunggol Mosque. This initiative not only celebrate the completion of Quranic recitation in conjunction with the holy month of Ramadhan, but also serve as a bridge, fostering understanding, goodwill and mutual respect. Participating in the event together with the residents of Kampung Menunggol were personnel from the First Battalion (1Bn) RBLF led by Lieutenant Muhammad Asfa Haziq bin Ali, Platoon Commander 'A' Company 1Bn RBLF.

The event commenced with the recitation of Al-Quran from the Khatam Al-Quran participants, Takhtim, Doa Khatam as well as Dikir Marhaban, followed by Iftar and Fardhu Maghrib prayer led by Imam Mohd Assraffi bin Haji Ibrahim, Imam of Kampung Menunggol Mosque. By sharing the spiritual significance through Khatam Al-Quran event, the RBLF seeks to deepen its connection with the local residents, promoting unity and mutual respect.


MENUNGGOL, Sabtu, 22 Mac 2025 – Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei (TDDB) terus mengeratkan hubungan silaturrahim dengan masyarakat setempat melalui acara Khatam Al-Quran yang diadakan di Masjid Kampung Menunggol. Inisiatif ini bukan sahaja untuk meraikan Khatam Al-Quran sempena bulan Ramadhan, tetapi juga memupuk persefahaman, semangat muhibah dan saling hormat menghormati . Turut serta dalam acara tersebut bersama-sama penduduk Kampung Menunggol ialah anggota dari Batalion Pertama (1Bn) TDDB yang diketuai oleh Leftenan Muhammad Asfa Haziq bin Ali, Ketua Platun Kompeni 'A' 1Bn TDDB.

Acara dimulakan dengan bacaan Al-Quran daripada peserta-peserta Khatam Al-Quran, bacaan Takhtim, Doa Khatam serta Dikir Marhaban, diikuti dengan berbuka puasa dan solat Fardhu Maghrib yang dipimpin oleh Imam Mohd Assraffi bin Haji Ibrahim, Imam Masjid Kampung Menunggol.