TUTONG CAMP, Friday, 06th December 2024 – The closing event for the Advanced Infantry Course Series 5/2024 took place at the Ar-Rizq Hall, Tutong Camp, with a total of 117 participants completing the 12-week course held from 9th September to 6th December 2024. The event was attended by Lieutenant Colonel Erwan bin Hj Ibrahim, Acting Field Commander of the RBLF alongside the Commanding Officer of the School of Infantry RBLF, Invited Guest Officers, Regiment Sergeant Majors and Course Instructors.
The event began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah led by Sergeant Md Hafiy bin Md Arrifin from Religious Directorate, Royal Brunei Armed Forces followed by a course review from Major Mohammad Syahril-Amin bin Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Pahlawan Dato Paduka Haji Abdu'r Rahmani as the Course Conducting Officer. The event then continued with the presentation of certificates and a congratulatory address by the Acting Field Commander of the RBLF, before it concluded with the recitation of the RBLF pledge by the course participants.
This course is a comprehensive training program that further strengthens basic infantry skills by focusing on advanced tactical operations, leadership development, and enhancing professionalism and teamwork for the overall operational readiness.
PERKHEMAHAN TUTONG, Jumaat, 06 Disember 2024 – Acara Penutup Kursus Infantri Lanjutan Siri 5/2024 telah diadakan di Dewan Ar-Rizq, Perkhemahan Tutong. Seramai 117 peserta telah berjaya menamatkan kursus selama 12 minggu tersebut yang mana berlangsung dari 9 September hingga 6 Disember 2024. Acara tersebut dihadiri oleh Leftenan Kolonel Erwan bin Haji Ibrahim, Pemangku Pemerintah Medan bersama Pegawai Pemerintah Sekolah Infantri TDDB, Pegawai-pegawai Jemputan, Sarjan Mejar Rejimen dan Jurulatih Kursus.
Acara dimulakan dengan bacaan Surah Al-Fatihah yang diketuai oleh Sarjan Md Hafiy bin Md Arrifin daripada Jabatanarah Agama, Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei diikuti dengan ulasan kursus oleh Mejar Mohammad Syahril-Amin bin Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Pahlawan Dato Paduka Haji Abdu'r Rahmani sebagai Pegawai Pengendali Kursus. Acara diteruskan dengan penyampaian sijil dan ucapan tahniah oleh Pemerintah Medan TDDB, sebelum ditutup dengan bacaan Ikrar TDDB daripada peserta kursus.
Kursus ini adalah program latihan menyeluruh bagi tujuan memperkukuhkan kemahiran asas infantri dengan memberi tumpuan kepada operasi taktikal lanjutan, pembangunan kepimpinan, serta meningkatkan profesionalisme dan kerjasama untuk kesiapsiagaan operasi.