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LUMUT CAMP, Friday, 2nd August 2024 – The Closing Ceremony of the Basic Infantry Course Series 4/2024 was held at Third Battalion Royal Brunei Land Force (RBLF), Lumut Camp. The ceremony marked the culmination of 12-weeks course of intensive training for 107 participants which was conducted from 13th May 2024 to 2nd August 2024. Lieutenant Colonel Erwan bin Haji Ibrahim, Acting Field Commander of the RBLF was present as the Guest of Honour. Also in attendance were Major Faizal Azly bin Haji Rosli, Commanding Officer of School of Infantry RBLF, invited Officers, Regiment Sergeant Majors and Course Instructors.

The ceremony began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah led by Lance Corporal Norasrin bin Abdul Rahim from the Royal Brunei Armed Forces Religious Directorate. It then continued with a course review by Lieutenant Mohammad Norhafiz bin Mohd Sani, Course Assistant Conducting Officer before proceeded with the presentation of certificates and remarks from the Guest of Honour. In his remarks, he highlighted that such course is significant as part of their personal development and reminded all course participants to continuously learn and practice as it is the key to become a professional personnel. Subsequently, the reading of RBLF pledge was carried out and led by one of the course participants, Private Muhammad Zulsyafiq bin Awang Ajis from Company B, 3Bn RBLF. The ceremony concluded with the Closing Doa and a group photo session.

This Basic Infantry Course is a comprehensive training program encompassing various aspects of being an infantry including the roles, duties and responsibilities, conducting field exercises, instilling the RBLF's standards and ethos of Satria, Setia and Sedia, as well as basic soldiering skills which aims to build character, mental and physical resilience towards ensuring that they are ready to carry out their duties in the infantry battalion.


PERKHEMAHAN LUMUT, Jumaat, 2 Ogos 2024 – Majlis Penutup Kursus Asas Infantri Siri 4/2024 telah diadakan di Batalion Ketiga Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei (3Bn TDDB), Perkhemahan Lumut. Majlis tersebut menandakan kemuncak kursus latihan intensif selama 12 minggu bagi seramai 107 peserta yang mana ianya telah dijalankan bermula dari 13 Mei 2024 hingga 2 Ogos 2024. Hadir selaku Tetamu Kehormat Majlis ialah Leftenan Kolonel Erwan bin Haji Ibrahim, Pemangku Pemerintah Medan, TDDB. Turut hadir ialah Mejar Faizal Azly bin Haji Rosli, Pegawai Pemerintah Sekolah Infantri TDDB, Pegawai-Pegawai jemputan, Sarjan Mejar – Sarjan Mejar Rejimen serta para Jurulatih Kursus.

Majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan Surah Al-Fatihah yang dipimpin oleh Lans Koperal Norasrin bin Abdul Rahim daripada Jabatanarah Agama Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei. Majlis kemudiannya diteruskan dengan penyampaian ulasan kursus oleh Leftenan Mohammad Norhafiz bin Mohd Sani, Penolong Pegawai Pengendali Kursus, sebelum disusuli dengan penyampaian sijil kepada peserta-peserta kursus dan ucapan daripada Tetamu Kehormat. Dalam ucapannya, beliau menekankan mengenai pentingnya kursus tersebut sebagai sebahagian daripada pembangunan peribadi mereka dan mengingatkan semua peserta kursus untuk terus belajar dan berlatih yang mana ianya merupakan kunci untuk menjadi seorang anggota yang profesional. Seterusnya, bacaan ikrar TDDB telah dilaksanakan dan diketuai oleh salah seorang peserta kursus, Soldadu Muhammad Zulsyafiq bin Awang Ajis dari Kompeni B, 3Bn TDDB. Majlis diakhiri dengan Doa Penutup dan sesi bergambar ramai.

Kursus Asas Infantri ini merupakan program latihan komprehensif yang merangkumi pelbagai aspek dalam menjadi seorang anggota infantri TDDB termasuk peranan, tugas dan tanggungjawab, pengendalian latihan medan, menerapkan standard dan etos TDDB iaitu Satria, Setia dan Sedia, serta kemahiran asas ketenteraan yang bertujuan untuk membina karakter, dan daya tahan mental dan fizikal ke arah memastikan mereka bersedia untuk menjalankan tugas di dalam batalion infantri.