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PENANJONG GARRISON, Friday, 08 July 2022 - The Jungle Warfare Training Branch from the School of Infantry, Royal Brunei Land Force (SOI RBLF) held the Closing Ceremony for Patrol Leader Combat Course Session 2021 today at the Lecture Room, SOI RBLF. A total of 11 course participants consisting of three personnel from infantry battalions of RBLF and eight personnel from Special Forces Regiment (SFR) had successfully completed the course which was conducted from 16 May 2022 until 08 July 2022.

Present as the Guest of Honour (GOH) was Lieutenant Colonel Airul Wizam bin Haji Ahmad, Commanding Officer of SOI RBLF. Also present were Officers of SOI RBLF, invited Officers from RBLF and SFR.

The event began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah An-Nisa verses 71 to 76 from the participants of the Patrol Leader Course, Corporal Basyir bin Hj Mustapa and the Presentation of Course Reviews from the Acting Head of Department, Jungle Warfare Branch, Lieutenant Muhd Safwan bin Sufian.

The ceremony continued with the presentation of badges and certificates by the GOH to all participants of the Patrol Leader Course Session 2021, followed by the presentation of certificates to the Best Practical Course Participant which was awarded to Lance Corporal Md Fadlullah Jafrey bin Bakri and the Best Physical Course Participant which was awarded to Lance Corporal Hafizan bin Hj Matusin. Meanwhile, Overall Best Course Participant and Best Theory Course Participant were awarded to Lance Corporal Md Yusri bin Saidi. The ceremony ended with the closing remarks from the GOH, recitation of Doa Selamat and a group photo.

The 8-week course aims to train and increase the confidence of each course participant to become an efficient and skilled patrol leader in Jungle Operations.



PENANJONG GARISON, Jumaat, 08 Julai 2022 - Cawangan Latihan Peperangan Hutan dari Sekolah Infantri Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei (SI TDDB) telah mengadakan Majlis Penutup Kursus Tempur Ketua Ronda Sesi 2021 pada hari ini bertempat di Bilik Kuliah, SI TDDB. Seramai 11 peserta kursus yang terdiri daripada tiga anggota dari batalion infantri TDDB dan lapan anggota dari Rejimen Pasukan Khas (RPK) telah berjaya menamatkan kursus yang mana telah dijalankan dari 16 Mei 2022 sehingga 08 Julai 2022.

 Hadir selaku Tetamu Kehormat ialah Leftenan Kolonel Airul Wizam bin Haji Ahmad, Pegawai Pemerintah SI TDDB. Turut hadir ialah Pegawai-pegawai SI TDDB, Pegawai-pegawai Jemputan dari TDDB dan RPK.

 Acara dimulakan dengan bacaan Surah Al-Fatihah dan Surah An-Nisa ayat 71 hingga 76 daripada peserta Kursus Ketua Ronda, Koperal Basyir bin Hj Mustapa dan Penyampaian Pengulasan Kursus daripada Pemangku Pengendali Cawangan Latihan Peperangan Hutan, Leftenan Muhd Safwan bin Sufian.

Majlis diteruskan dengan penyampaian lencana dan sijil oleh Tetamu Kehormat kepada semua peserta diikuti dengan penyampaian sijil kepada Peserta Kursus Terbaik Amali yang disandang oleh Lans Koperal Md Fadlullah Jafrey bin Bakri dan Terbaik Jasmani disandang oleh Lans Koperal Hafizan bin Hj Matusin. Manakala, Peserta Kursus Terbaik Keseluruhan dan Perserta Kursus Terbaik Teori telah dianugerahkan kepada Lans Koperal Md Yusri bin Saidi. Majlis diakhiri dengan ucapan tahniah daripada Tetamu Kehormat, bacaan Doa Selamat dan bergambar ramai.

 Kursus selama 8 minggu ini bertujuan untuk melatih dan meningkatkan keyakinan setiap anggota yang berkursus untuk menjadi seorang ketua ronda yang cekap dan mahir dalam operasi di hutan.