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BERAKAS GARRISON, Friday, 13th September 2024 – The Royal Brunei Land Force held a closing ceremony for the Collective Planning Exercise (CPE) of Exercise SEMANGAT WAJA 08/2024 at the Officers' Mess, Berakas Garrison. The CPE was conducted from 2nd until 13th September 2024, comprising of RBLF Headquarters, RBLF Field Headquarters and invited Subject Matter Experts from the Royal Brunei Navy, Royal Brunei Air Force and Judge Advocate General's Office, Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF).

Brigadier General Haji Mohammad Shanonnizam bin Sulaiman, Commander of RBLF attended the closing ceremony and were also joined by the Deputy Commander of RBLF, Senior Officers, Officers of RBLF and invited Officers from other services of the RBAF.

The ceremony commenced with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah and the final brief of Operational Military Appreciation Process on Commander's Decision Brief was then delivered, led by Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed Shalleh bin Haji Ismail, Chief of Staff RBLF HQ for the exercise. The ceremony proceeded with closing remarks from the Commander of RBLF, where he emphasised the importance of understanding the commander's intent and accurately defining the problem from the outset. He also highlighted the need to gain knowledge from other operations, recognise that no plan is perfect due to the dynamic nature of the battlefield.

The main objective of the SEMANGAT WAJA 08/2024 CPE is to validate the Land Force doctrines, procedures and processes of all aspects with the current operational setting as well as also future capabilities. The CPE is a cornerstone of the SEMANGAT WAJA Exercise, providing a platform for various RBLF units to engage in a comprehensive operational planning and strategy development. Such exercise will enhance communication and coordination among participants towards strengthening the overall effectiveness of the RBLF. The CPE will encompass a series of planning and realistic scenarios aimed at refining tactical coordination and response capabilities.

 The Command Post Exercise (CPX) and Field Training Exercise (FTX) of SEMANGAT WAJA 8/2024 is scheduled to take place in January 2025.


BERAKAS GARISON, Jumaat, 13 September 2024 Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei (TDDB) telah mengadakan upacara penutup bagi Collective Planning Exercise (CPE)  EKSESAIS SEMANGAT WAJA 08/2024 yang berlangsung dari 2 hingga 13 September 2024 yang terdiri daripada pemain dari Markas TDDB, Markas Medan TDDB serta Pakar Bidang Khusus daripada Tentera Laut Diraja Brunei, Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei dan Pejabat  Perundangan Tentera, Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei (ABDB).

Brigedier Jeneral Haji Mohammad Shanonnizam bin Sulaiman, Pemerintah TDDB telah menghadiri acara tersebut yang mana juga turut disertai oleh Timbalan Pemerintah TDDB, Pegawai-pegawai Kanan dan Pegawai-pegawai TDDB serta Pegawai-pegawai jemputan daripada ABDB.

Acara dimulakan dengan bacaan Surah Al-Fatihah dan diteruskan dengan penyampaian akhir Operational Military Appreciation Process) - Commander's Decision Brief yang diketuai oleh Leftenan Kolonel Mohammed Shalleh bin Haji Ismail, selaku Ketua Staf Markas TDDB bagi CPE tersebut. Acara kemudian diteruskan dengan ucapan penutup CPE yang disampaikan oleh Pemerintah TDDB di mana beliau menyampaikan kepentingan memahami kemahuan pemerintah dan mendefinisikan masalah dengan betul sedari awal. Beliau juga menekankan keperluan untuk mengambil iktibar dari pengalaman operasi-operasi yang terdahulu, disamping menyedari bahawa tiada rancangan yang sempurna disebabkan sifat medan perang yang sentiasa berubah-ubah.

Objektif utama CPE SEMANGAT WAJA 08/2024 adalah untuk mengesahkan doktrin, prosedur dan proses Tentera Darat di semua aspek dengan tetapan operasi semasa dan juga keupayaan masa depan. CPE tersebut ialah asas kepada Eksesais SEMANGAT WAJA yang menyediakan platform bagi pelbagai unit TDDB untuk melibatkan diri dalam perancangan operasi dan pembangunan strategi yang komprehensif. Eksesais sedemikian akan meningkatkan komunikasi dan penyelarasan di kalangan peserta ke arah memperkukuhkan keberkesanan TDDB secara keseluruhan. CPE tersebut merangkumi beberapa siri perancangan dan senario realistik yang bertujuan untuk memperhalusi penyelarasan taktikal dan keupayaan tindak balas.

Command Post Exercise (CPX) dan Field Training Exercise (FTX) bagi EKSESAIS SEMANGAT WAJA 8/2024 dijadualkan berlangsung pada bulan Januari 2025.