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PENANJONG GARRISON, Thursday, 27th February 2025 – Lieutenant Colonel Mohammad Ghazali bin Haji Hussin, Commanding Officer of the Engineer Regiment, Royal Brunei Land Forces (Engr Regt RBLF) has officiated the closing for the Booby Trap Course at the Engr Regt Headquarters, RBLF, Penanjong Garrison. A total of 28 personnel from the Engr Regt RBLF, Assault Pioneers from the First, Second and Third Battalion RBLF, as well as the Special Operations Squad, Royal Brunei Police Force (SOS RBPF), had attended the course held from 3rd to 28th February 2025.

The closing commenced with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah by Ustaz Haji Sharul Hazrimin bin Haji Bidin, religious teacher at Surau Al-Hikmah Penanjong Garrison, followed by a course review from Captain Delson bin Jumat, Training Officer of the School of Military Engineer, Engr Regt RBLF. Presentation of certificates and awards were then delivered by the Engr Regt Commanding Officer with one of the course participants from the SOS RBPF receiving the Overall Best Student Award. 

The Booby Trap Course aimed to train participants on the dangers of booby traps, covering the types and signs of booby traps, how to recognise, respond and avoid traps that is designed to cause injury or death during operations.


PENANJONG GARISON, Khamis, 27 Februari 2025 – Leftenan Kolonel Mohammad Ghazali bin Haji Hussin, Pegawai Pemerintah Rejimen Jurutera Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei (RJ TDDB) telah merasmikan acara penutup Kursus Jerangkap Samar di Markas RJ TDDB, Penanjong Garison. Seramai 28 anggota dari Rejimen Jurutera TDDB, Platun Rintis Serang daripada Batalion Pertama, Kedua dan Ketiga serta Pasukan Gerak Khas, Pasukan Polis Diraja Brunei (PGK PPDB) telah menghadiri kursus tersebut yang diadakan dari 3 hingga 28 Februari 2025.

Majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan Surah Al-Fatihah oleh Ustaz Haji Sharul Hazrimin bin Haji Bidin, guru agama Surau Al-Hikmah, Penanjong Garison, diikuti dengan penyampaian ulasan kursus oleh Kapten Delson bin Jumat, Pegawai Latihan Sekolah Jurutera Tempur, RJ TDDB. Penyampaian sijil dan anugerah kemudiannya disampaikan oleh Pegawai Pemerintah RJ TDDB, dengan salah seorang anggota dari PGK PPDB telah menerima Anugerah Pelajar Terbaik Keseluruhan. 
Kursus Jerangkap Samar adalah bertujuan untuk melatih peserta tentang bahaya jerangkap samar yang merangkumi kefahaman jenis dan tanda, tatacara mengenali, tindak balas serta mengelak jerangkap samar yang direka untuk menyebabkan kecederaan atau kematian dalam mana-mana operasi.​