PENANJONG GARRISON, Friday, 06th September 2024 – The Closing Ceremony for the Advanced Signal Course 2024 was held at the School of Infantry, Royal Brunei Land Force (SOI RBLF), Penanjong Garrison. The course was conducted from 28th June 2024 to 06th September 2024 comprising of 21 participants from various units of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces and one from the Gurkha Reserve Unit. Attending the ceremony was Major Nor Mohammad Saufi@Nikmat bin Ahmad, SOI RBLF Acting Deputy Commanding Officer and were joined by officers as well as invited guests.
The ceremony commenced with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-Mujadalah verse 10-11 by one of the course participants, Lance Corporal (U) Ali Ramadan bin Aliuddin from the Royal Brunei Air Force. The ceremony proceeded with a course review from Sergeant Muhamad Yamin bin Haji Yakob as a course conductor, followed by the presentation of certificates and closing remarks by SOI RBLF Acting Deputy Commanding Officer. The ceremony concluded with the recitation of Doa Selamat by Muhammad Rusaini bin Awang, Imam Surau Al-Hikmah, Penanjong Garrison.
This course aims to train and provide course participants with the knowledge and skills required to be a competent signaller of their respective units and in any assigned operation, as well as to further prepare them to play their role as Detachment Company Commanders.
PENANJONG GARISON, Jumaat, 06 September 2024 – Majlis Penutup Kursus Lanjutan Semboyan 2024 telah diadakan bertempat di Sekolah Infantri, Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei (SI TDDB), Penanjong Garison. Kursus ini telah dijalankan dari 28 Jun 2024 hingga 06 September 2024 yang yang terdiri daripada 21 peserta dari pelbagai unit Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei dan seorang daripada Unit Simpanan Gurkha. Turut hadir pada majlis tersebut ialah Mejar Nor Mohammad Saufi@Nikmat bin Ahmad, Pemangku Timbalan Pegawai Pemerintah SI TDDB dan telah disertai oleh pegawai-pegawai serta tetamu jemputan.
Majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan Surah Al-Fatihah dan Surah Al-Mujadalah ayat 10-11 oleh salah seorang peserta kursus, Lans Koperal (U) Ali Ramadan bin Aliuddin dari Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei. Majlis diteruskan dengan semakan kursus daripada Sarjan Muhamad Yamin bin Haji Yakob selaku pengendali kursus, diikuti dengan penyampaian sijil dan ucapan penutup oleh Pemangku Timbalan Pegawai Pemerintah SI TDDB. Majlis diakhiri dengan bacaan Doa Selamat oleh Muhammad Rusaini bin Awang, Imam Surau Al-Hikmah, Penanjong Garison.
Kursus ini bertujuan untuk melatih dan memberikan peserta kursus pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang diperlukan sebagai anggota semboyan yang cekap dalam unit masing-masing dan dalam mana-mana operasi yang diberikan, serta mempersiapkan mereka untuk memainkan peranan sebagai Ketua Detasmen Kompeni.