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KRANJI CAMP 3, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 – The closing ceremony of Exercise MAJU BERSAMA Series 25/2022 was held today at the Eiger Parade Square, Kranji Camp III. The exercise was conducted from 21 November 2022 until 30 November 2022 which involved personnel from First Battalion, Royal Brunei Land Force (1Bn RBLF) and from 'A' Company, 2nd Battalion Singapore Infantry Regiment (A Coy 2Bn SIR).

The exercise was officially brought to a close by Brigadier General Tan Cheng Kwee Chief of Staff – General Staff, Singapore Army and Colonel Muhammad Wata bin Abdullah Awat, Deputy Commander of RBLF as the Guest of Honours (GOH). Also present were Senior Officers, Officers, personnel, and representatives from both the Singapore Army and RBLF.

The ceremony commenced with a military parade inspection, followed by the closing remarks from the two GOH. The event was then followed by an exchange of Exercise MAJU BERSAMA insignias and concluded with a photo session.

Exercise MAJU BERSAMA remains an important platform for strengthening defence diplomacy and military cooperation between Brunei Darussalam and the Republic of Singapore. The exercise allows the integrated deployment of ground troops from both armies to enhance interoperability and provide an opportunity to train and improve the skills of the military personnel of both countries.


KEM KRANJI 3, Selasa, 29 November 2022 - Upacara Penutup Eksesais MAJU BERSAMA Siri 25/2022 telah dilaksanakan di Padang Kawad Eiger, Kem Kranji. Eksesais tersebut telah berlangsung dari 21 November 2022 hingga 30 November 2022.  Eksesais ini melibatkan anggota daripada Batalion Pertama, Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei (1Bn TDDB) dan 'A' Company 2nd Battalion Singapore Infantry Regiment (A Coy 2Bn SIR).

Eksesais tersebut secara rasmi ditutup oleh Yang Mulia Brigedier Jeneral Tan Cheng Kwee, Chief of Staff – General Staff, Singapore Army dan Yang Mulia Kolonel Muhammad Wata bin Abdullah Awat​, Timbalan Pemerintah TDDB selaku Tetamu Kehormat Majlis. Turut hadir ialah Pegawai-pegawai Kanan, Pegawai-pegawai, Pegawai-pegawai, anggota-anggota dan wakil daripada Tentera Darat Singapura dan TDDB.

Upacara dimulakan dengan pemeriksaan perbarisan, penyerahan balik lencana Eksesais MAJU BERSAMA kepada 1Bn TDDB dan diteruskan dengan ucapan penutup daripada Tetamu Kehormat Majlis. Upacara diakhiri dengan bergambar ramai.

Eksesais MAJU BERSAMA kekal sebagai platform penting untuk mengukuhkan diplomasi pertahanan dan kerjasama ketenteraan diantara Negara Brunei Darussalam dan Republik Singapura. Ianya juga membolehkan integrasi kedua-dua tentera dalam pergerakan operasi untuk menaik taraf kerjasama diantara kedua belah pihak serta memberi peluang untuk melatih dan meningkatkan kemahiran anggota tentera kedua-dua negara.